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Blessings in the Waiting: 78

1. The fact that I can call my mom to vent, and she really doesn't mind
2. Designing my wedding band!
3. Shopping for hostess gifts! I love gift giving!
4. A fun dinner with Brit and Lex and Blake and new recipes to try!
5. Blake's servant heart


Blessings in the Waiting: 79

1. The feeling of finnishing a task at matter the outcome, it is done
2. A night of solitude and how rejuvinating that can be
3. My body's internal alarm clock and how I wake up seconds before my alarm goes off
4. Purple free weights
5. Bringing my whole self to work :)


Blessings in the Waiting: 80

1. $20 Bottle and Bruchetta combo at Postino with lovely company to celebrate (cry over) Anne's departure
2. Phone date on the way down to Blake's with Mom and Dad. I'm continually thankful for all they do for me for this wedding! I think they have an insane amount of endless energy
3. Catching up with Jen....I seriously miss that girl
4. My future husband's incredible way of pointing me to Jesus through his steady and constant personality
5. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for a crazy season of work


Prayers for Haiti....(a sort-of-guest blog)

Blessings in the Waiting: 80

1. Accomplishing way more than planned at work in an 8 hour day!
2. Backrubs
3. A new watch and a sweet boy who thinks of me to go scout it out and find the last one! Thanks Mom and Dad!
4. Changing perspective and expectations
5. Being silly in the kitchen over some fish tacos and crazy accents!


Blessings in the Waiting: 83-81

1. Sharing pizza and pasta with an awesome group of friends
2. Our faithful friend Dave, answering the call and going to serve in Haiti
3. Being adults but still acting like kids from time to time
4. Oatmeal Cookie yogurt
5. My parent's incredible creativity, hardwork and endless dedication to make our wedding day so special

6. Waking up to blue skies after days of grey and rain
7. Girl chat on the couch in our PJs
8. Celebrating our friend Brittani on her birthday!
9. A cleansing cry
10. Learning more about how to let go of control and walk in faith and not in fear

11. The start to putting our wedding invites together!
12. The way I leave Trader Joes feeling inspired in the kitchen!
13. Dinner conversation filled with the spirit, convictions and a thrist for Jesus
14. Celebrating Mac's birthday from far away. I love you sis.
15. Actually seeing some heart change show up....


Blessings in the Waiting: 84

1. God faithfully answering prayer even for thing that feel small or like He wouldn't care about them! He's so good.
2. Listening to my Dad have a call for some sort of construction missions. I'm continually blown away by his God-changed heart and care and service for others
3. Trying on my wedding dress for the first time since I ordered it and having sweet friends there to cheer me on!
4. Date night with Blake and the sweet way he makes me feel so special
5. Another rainy day.....Maybe it matches my mood, but I just really like the rain :)


Blessings in the Waiting: 85

1. Being with the Bible study girls and laughing together
2. Putting Jesus' great humility into perspective and meditating on it in amazement
3. How satisfying a Chipotle bowl is
4. Working in my sweats
5. A late night talk with my mama....She just gets me.....


Blessings in the Waiting: 86

1. Wedding productivity with Mom via email/text
2. Evite RSVPs that make me feel so loved!
3. Rain shoes
4. Renewed hope for our house hunt search
5. Sharing a blanket on a damp and chilly evening


Blessings in the Waiting: 87

1. Rainy days and cloud cover
2. A lovely lunch date over Pad Thai
3. Making decisions and not looking back
4. Using the ingredients I already had to make a yummy homecooked dinner for us
5. God's goodness in tragedy, though it just doesn't always make sense in our hearts and minds


Blessings in the Waiting: 90-88

1. Playing with Trevin while the Kersey's had an evening out!
2. Creative and very quick meals planned for the week
3. Having the best chopper/sous chef/dish washer by my side
4. Feeling super productive at work, even on a Friday!
5. Catch up lunch with my sweet friend Jesse

6. Making and actually following meal plans for the week
7. Meeting new friends and getting a great work out!
8. Enjoying a chill evening with amigos - not feeling the pressure to go to the bars/clubs and just relax together instead
9. Running into Hannah and Scott for the second week in a row and LGO :)
10. Seeing a proof of our invites! It's actually happening!

11. Sunday afternoon naps
12. Postino...yummmmmmmm
13. Celebrating Jenny and Chaz! Yay for the newly weds!
14. A convicting and thought stimulating message
15. Dancing w/ B


Blessings in the Waiting: 91

1. A great long-distance catch-up chat with my madre
2. Interesting results from the personality testing we did in counseling. It's amazing how right a piece of paper can actually be!
3. Continuing to dream about our new rental house with wedding day only 3 months away!
4. A yummy steak dinner prepared by my personal master griller
5. Finding sweet joy in laughing and cuddling


Blessings in the Waiting: 93-92

1. A solid night's sleep in a hotel room, very rare for me
2. Bundling up in chilly weather in a new jacket
3. Extremely productive and motivating conversations
4. Spending an entire plane ride in the Word
5. Having a "I love my job" type of day

6. Getting to sit in a row on the plane by myself, both ways!
7. The way I feel healthy and entergized when I eat well
8. A short but sweet visit from Blake after I got home from TX
9. Sweet and helpful bridesmaids :)
10. Being reminded of the incredible power of prayer in my life and being shown my lack of discipline in that area....


Blessings in the Waiting: 94

1. Having a lovely and super cheap happy hour with old and new friends! :)
2. Walking into the Taylors and seeing 3 cuties snuggled up with Blake
3. Diva Puppies
4. Playing with Kate, Natalie and Hudson and acting like I was there age!
5. Alexis having a temporary job at Sola!


Once Again, I'm Back....

I think I've already written a blog entry titled, "I'm Back"....but I'm doing it once again. It's been a crazy couple of months with wedding planning, holiday fun and work and the blog had to fall off of the to do list. From the start of this I never committed to perfection so I'm giving myself some grace and will get back on the saddle again. I think I'll just pick up where I left off....skip about 50 days and just jump back into my blessings :) Hope you haven't missed me tooooo much :)

Blessings in the Waiting: 95....
1. Actually getting to post that we are under 100 days! Yay for double digits!
2. Using my new calendar/organization system and feeling like I'm accomplishing things on my list
3. Dreaming about our new home/life together
4. Buying our new bedding for our married life bedroom! :)
5. Friends that love you through various acts of selflessness and service
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